What are 8 of the Best Pets for Allergy and Asthma Sufferers?

Does holding a fluffy dog make you sneeze and wheeze? If you’re suffering from dreadful allergies, you may think that it’s impossible for you to enjoy the heartwarming companionship offered by adorable pets. But fear not. All hope is not lost, as you can still cuddle that charming little fluffball when you choose the right pet for you.

What Is a Hypoallergenic Pet?

From my personal experience, I’ve seen many friends and family members struggle with pet allergies. It’s heartbreaking to see someone who loves animals unable to be around them. But what does “hypoallergenic” really mean?

Pet dander — or dead skin cells — is a common, serious trigger for allergy symptoms, and it’s present even in hairless cats and short-haired dogs. According to the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America, around three in 10 individuals with allergies experience allergic reactions to dogs and cats, and cat allergies are more common than dog allergies.

Hypoallergenic pets refer to animals that generally produce fewer allergens, leading to lower chances of triggering your allergy symptoms. However, no dog or cat is completely non-allergic. Your immune system naturally responds to proteins found in the dander, saliva or urine of animals to shield your body from illnesses.

But in the case of people with pet allergies, their immune systems are more sensitive than others and are thus more prone to react even to harmless animal proteins. Thankfully, you can still care for an animal even if you have a pet allergy once you find one that doesn’t cause allergic reactions.

Best Dogs for Allergy Sufferers:

Best Dogs for Allergy Sufferers

As a dog lover myself, I’ve always been curious about which breeds are best for those with allergies. After extensive research and personal observations, here are some top recommendations:

  • Afghan Hound — Typically reserved and composed, Afghan Hounds need regular exercise and grooming. You should bathe and brush your Afghan Hound twice a week to keep pet dander at bay.
  • American Hairless Terrier — American Hairless Terriers are smart, energetic dogs that are perfect for kids and teens. They also are ideal for those living in bustling cities, as they require minimal outdoor exercise and do well with a lot of indoor playtime.

Best Cats for Allergy Sufferers:

Best Cats for Allergy Sufferers

I’ve always been more of a dog person, but I’ve had my fair share of feline friends. For those who are cat enthusiasts but suffer from allergies, here are some breeds to consider:

  • Siberian Forest — Typically heavier than other cats, a Siberian Forest is strong and thick-coated. This cat breed loves to show affection and play with water.
  • Balinese — Balinese cats are single-coated with less shedding. Resembling the Siamese, these cats have bright blue eyes, and they are lively, friendly and intelligent.

Hypoallergenic Birds:

Hypoallergenic Birds

Birds can be wonderful companions, filling your home with their chirps and songs. However, not all birds are suitable for allergy sufferers. Here are some hypoallergenic options:

  • Parakeets — Also known as budgies, these birds shed minimal dander, making them an excellent option for allergy sufferers. They’re also quite sociable and can even mimic human speech!
  • Eclectus — These birds are not only hypoallergenic but also incredibly vibrant and colorful. They’re known for their intelligence and can be quite affectionate with their owners.

Small, Hypoallergenic Animals:

Sometimes, the best pets are the ones that are a bit unconventional. If you’re looking for something different, consider these options:

Aquatic pets are perfect for allergy sufferers, as they stay in the water and require no direct contact. Just make sure you don’t dip your hand in the water to prevent potential infections associated with aquatic environments. You may also opt for a pet reptile, which neither has fur nor the proteins known to cause allergic reactions.

How to Know If a Pet Is Hypoallergenic?

Before diving into pet ownership, it’s crucial to ensure that your chosen animal won’t exacerbate your allergies. Here’s some advice from my own journey:

Before getting a new pet, especially if you’re planning to adopt a rescued animal, it’s important to determine first if the animal doesn’t trigger your symptoms. To do so, trial and error may be necessary. Visit an animal shelter, a pet store or a friend who has the particular breed you like, and spend time with your chosen animal for up to an hour a few times to check for allergic reactions. If you don’t cough, wheeze or show noticeably swollen body parts, you’ve likely found a hypoallergenic pet that’s suitable for you. Keep in mind to consult your doctor first, especially if you have severe allergies or asthma, to ensure your safety.

Creating an Allergy-Free Zone:

Creating an Allergy-Free Zone

Even with hypoallergenic pets, it’s essential to have a space in your home where allergens are kept to a minimum. This can be a lifesaver on days when your allergies are acting up.

In the Bedroom:

The bedroom is a common choice for an allergy-free zone. After all, we spend a significant amount of time there.

  • Air Purifiers: Investing in a good air purifier can help remove pet dander and other allergens from the air. Look for ones with HEPA filters for the best results.
  • Bedding: Use hypoallergenic bedding and pillowcases. Wash them frequently in hot water to kill any allergens.

In the Living Areas:

Common areas like the living room can also be turned into allergy-free zones with a bit of effort.

  • Vacuuming: Regular vacuuming with a vacuum equipped with a HEPA filter can help reduce allergens. Don’t forget to vacuum furniture, curtains, and other soft surfaces.
  • Flooring: Hardwood or tile floors are easier to keep dander-free than carpets. If you do have carpets, make sure to vacuum them frequently and consider getting them professionally cleaned periodically.

Frequently Asked Questions:

1. Can I develop an allergy to my pet over time?

Yes, it’s possible. Even if you weren’t initially allergic to your pet, prolonged exposure can sometimes lead to the development of allergies.

2. Are there any hypoallergenic pet breeds that are 100% allergen-free?

No breed is 100% allergen-free. “Hypoallergenic” means they produce fewer allergens, not that they are entirely free of them.

3. How can I reduce pet dander in my home?

Regular grooming, frequent cleaning, using air purifiers, and creating an allergy-free zone can help reduce pet dander.

4. Are there any hypoallergenic pet foods that can help reduce allergens?

While hypoallergenic pet foods are designed to reduce food allergies in pets, they don’t directly reduce airborne allergens like dander.

5. Can children outgrow pet allergies?

Some children may outgrow certain allergies, but it’s essential to consult with an allergist to monitor the situation.

6. Are there any medical treatments for pet allergies?

Yes, antihistamines, decongestants, and allergy shots (immunotherapy) can help treat symptoms. Always consult with a healthcare professional.

7. Do hypoallergenic pets require special care or grooming products?

While they don’t necessarily require special products, using hypoallergenic grooming products can further reduce the risk of allergens.

Final Thoughts

Living with allergies doesn’t mean you have to give up on the dream of having a pet. With the right knowledge and a bit of effort, you can enjoy the companionship of a furry, feathered, or scaled friend without the sneezing and itching. Remember, it’s all about finding the right pet for you and taking steps to minimize allergens in your environment. With love and care, you and your hypoallergenic pet can have many happy years together!